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December 27, 2020

Gold & Silver Chess 3D Render

The gold and silver chess pieces in this 3D render are beautifully crafted with intricate details and lifelike textures. The imperfections and fingerprints give…

  • Strategy

    Composition, Lighting, Realism

  • Design

    3D Modeling, Art Direction

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January 21, 2022

Bull vs Bear 3D Render

3D render of the two iconic symbols of the stock market. A bull represents a rising market and bullish investors, who believe that the…

  • Strategy

    Branding, Composition, Lighting

  • Design

    3D Modeling, Art Direction

  • Client


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June 1, 2020

Girl Essentials

The use of only two colors, creates a clean and uncluttered look, making the focus on the objects themselves. The simple lines and shapes…

  • Strategy

    Storytelling, High-resolution, Lighting, Limited Colors

  • Design

    3D Render, Art Direction

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